Flamenco technique class?

The opportunity to run a weekly flamenco technique class has opened up at Sugar Swing!

I need some feedback from students first so I can determine if the class is viable. Please see below for details and a quick feedback form.

Session start date – mid-February

Mondays 8:00 – 9:00 

We will be working on arms, hands, marking, footwork, turns etc. This class gives you a chance to focus on improving your foundational skills without having to remember a choreography or set of steps from week to week.

Level – These classes are for any student that has had some exposure to the 12 count. You do not need to be a past or current student of mine to attend. If you are a current student in Flamenco 2 or 3, this class is for you! (Level 1, not quite yet. Previous exposure to the 12 count is vital) As this is a multi-level class there will options for each area of focus for those needing it simplified or wanting more of a challenge.

Discounts (these are tentative but most probable):

  • $20/class rate when paying for a series up front, I’m just not sure how many classes will be in a series.
  • Discount for Students and Sugar Swing members
  • Discounted rate for students currently registered in Flamenco 2 or 3
  • Drop-in $22

If you are interested in a general flamenco technique class starting mid-February, could you please take a few seconds to fill out the google form at the link below? It is just 2 multiple choice questions about start date and registering for a series vs dropping-in. Filling it out does not require you to commit to classes. It is just to gauge interest and determine feasibility.

The google form is now closed. You can find out about technique class and the link to register on my CLASSES page.

hope to see you in class!

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